iPhones Category

Overview of the iPhone XR

Overview of the iPhone XR

Are you on of the many people all over the world who would love to have an iPhone but can’t afford or justify the price tag? Good news! The iPhone XR, a lower cost iPhone, is available to make iPhones accessible to the masses at an affordable price. This is good news...

The Latest iPhone 8 Rumours

The Latest iPhone 8 Rumours

There are constantly rumours being circulated when there is a brand new iPhone coming out in the near horizon, and this time is no different. There is a new iPhone 8 slated to be released and that has everyone's attention- even though the iPhone 7 only recently came...

Expected Features of iPhone 8

Expected Features of iPhone 8

There have been a steady flow of rumours claiming that Apple will be releasing not one, not two, but three iPhones this year. The three rumoured releases include the iPhone 7S, the iPhone 7S Plus, and the iPhone 8. The iPhone 8 is also called the iPhone X. This some...

The Most Disruptive iPhone Apps of 2016

The Most Disruptive iPhone Apps of 2016

2016 was quite a year for disruptive iPhone apps on the app store. What exactly does the term ‘disruptive’ mean when referring to app? Well, this would include apps that break all the rules of traditional apps. These apps open your mind to possibilities you didn’t...

Christmas 2016 Gift Ideas for Apple Fans

Christmas 2016 Gift Ideas for Apple Fans

It’s the time of year that everyone loves and hates: Christmas. It’s time for you to consider gifts for those you love. That’s not always an easy task. However, if you know your loved one is a fan of Apple products, you’re in luck. Here are a few gift ideas for Apple...